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Russia is the longest country in the world, from west to east its length is approaching 10 thousand kilometers, and from north to south it exceeds 4 thousand kilometers. Russia is a country with amazing tourism opportunities. A vacation in Russia is a real adventure. There are two magnificent capitals: Moscow is official, noisy, bustling with events around the clock and St. Petersburg a city of museums, theaters and palaces is sedate and attract the attention of many tourists. The high level of service in the hotels and many cultural events make the trip to the сapitals rich and memorable.

Tourists can also visit the Olympic Sochi and the cities of the Golden Ring, the Valley of Geysers and the Ural Mountains, ancient Kazan and Veliki Novgorod, amazing landscapes of Lake Baikal, the largest and deepest lake on the planet. Tours to Russia will reveal the wondrous beauty and hospitality of a great country.